A patient holding different types of dental veneers
Dental veneers, which are made from either porcelain or resin composite materials, are custom-made shells designed to match the appearance of a dental patient’s natural teeth. They are applied to the front surface of an individual’s teeth in order to conceal imperfections like chips, discoloration, or uneven sizing.

Whether a patient opts for porcelain or resin-composite veneers depends on his or her individual needs. Porcelain veneers are often chosen due to their durability and resistance to staining. However, resin-composite veneers may offer a more conservative option with less enamel removal required.

Ultimately, the choice of veneer material should be discussed with an experienced dentist to ensure the best outcome for each patient.

Porcelain Veneers

This veneer type can be used to treat a wide variety of aesthetic needs, and they’re custom-made so that they fit each patient’s mouth perfectly.

When applying porcelain veneers, a dentist may grind a portion of the tooth’s surface away so that each shell appears natural and well-aligned. Porcelain veneers are attached to the surface of the patient’s teeth through a process known as dental bonding.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are often used to treat more minimal aesthetic issues, and they’re not applied in quite the same way as their porcelain counterparts. For composite veneers, a dentist will still need to gently etch away a portion of the tooth’s surface, but from there, he or she will apply a thin layer of composite material to the prepared tooth rather than a porcelain shell.

In either scenario, dental veneers provide patients with a natural-looking, even smile that they can be proud of.

Who Is a Candidate for Dental Veneers?

As mentioned above, dental veneers can be used to treat an array of cosmetic dental issues. Some reasons why a patient may opt for dental veneers include the following:

  • Tooth discoloration: Veneers can be an appropriate option for patients who want to cover discolored or stained teeth but may not respond well to traditional tooth whitening procedures.
  • Chipped teeth: Dental veneers can cover small chips or cracks in teeth, which provides the patient with a smoother, more uniform smile.
  • Tooth gaps: Veneers can effectively conceal small gaps or spaces between a patient’s teeth.
  • Misaligned teeth: Dental veneers can correct the appearance of slightly crooked or misshapen teeth.
  • Worn teeth: Veneers can also give new life to teeth that have been worn down over time.

Veneers present a versatile solution for an array of aesthetic dental issues. They provide a minimally invasive pathway toward straight, vibrant, and beautiful teeth that can renew a patient’s confidence in his or her smile. If you’re considering dental veneers and you’d like to learn more about your options, reach out to Signature Dentistry of Arvada to schedule an evaluation.